A Brief Overview

Pra Blbl Company for general trading/Export and Import was established in 2015 and it is divided into two Departments.

Prablbl company

The First dept. is the main Branch of the company which locates on the main Road / Azadi public Hospital infront of Jotyar Hotel in Duhok /Iraq
There are five employees in the main Branch of the Company
1. Commissioner Director/ Mardan Ali Ismael
2. Maketing Relations Director / Abdulaziz Rasheed Nabi
3. Account Manager / Nasreen Hussein Hajiomer
4. Office Clerk / Akhink Zain Alabdin Mohammed
5. Office Worker / Binar Abdulsalam Abdulkareem

Prablbl company

The Second Branch is the Company Warehouse  which locates in Nizarke Area nearby Appartments Buldings / Lawan City / Duhok / Iraq

There are seven Employees in the Com. Store

  1. Forklift Driver / Younis Mohamed Ahmed
  2. Kia Driver / Nayef Mohsen Badie
  3. Security Guard / Sipan Adil Mohamed
  4. Worker / Nichirvan Mohsen Badie
  5. Worker / Ausama Khorshid Nabi
  6. Worker /  Reyan Shaaban Nabi
  7. Worker / Dilsahad Husain Haji